When I think about cannabis and meditation, it leads me to appreciate the development of both. Now that recreational marijuana is easily, safely, and readily available at your fingertips, the two will continue to hold a new-age vibe.
Practitioners surely become aware of the changes in life from meditation, while cannabis has the tendency to calm the nervous system down, allowing us to function a bit better in our daily lives. This affects our ability to juggle emotions and improves our memory. Using both also simply generates kindness and promotes connections to our environment and Mother Earth!
Your breathing is also a form of connection to our environment. So the stronger the breath, the stronger connection or awareness we have! The biggest reason for focusing on your breath during mediation and any exercise is that it reduces the coherence of depression and negativity.
Many questions arise during meditation, and even more so sometimes during smoke sessions with me-myself, partner, or friends; therefore mediation is always a great time to set aside for yourself. Dig deep and tune in to what’s really going on inside and the potential for more answers will flourish overtime which makes mediation exciting too!
Meditation is a tool like cannabis–used to lessen the grip we all hold on too tightly sometimes and allow us to fully relax and be ourselves with one another. There are so many ways to integrate cannabis into our daily diets and/or rituals. We hear different angles to everyone’s story, so doing what’s best for you always comes first! That’s right. And that’s why seeking help from a cannabis expert at Exclusive can become extremely helpful. Being knowledgeable of certain cannabis genetics alone can play a big role in complementing goals set in place for an individual.
So, find a chill-cozy spot, roll out a yoga mat, and focus on your essence. If you run into trouble, I find that down-tempo music soothes the soul guiding your spirit to its destination. Having crystals, sage, sandalwood, palo-santo, water, and/or flowers near may cleanse the air for you to feel at home and peaceful.
Written by: Karley Buford